Do Bidets Cause UTIs?
Urinary tract infections are the most common bacterial infections globally. More than 8 million people get a UTI every year in America alone. UTIs are caused mainly by poor bathroom hygiene and sex. So, many people look into how they clean up after using the bathroom.
Because bathroom hygiene is delicate, many people, women especially, fear introducing new technology and routines in the bathrooms. Bidets are an example of such practices, and there are a lot of myths as well as benefits concerning their use. So, do bidets cause UTIs? Or do they prevent them?
Water is the most effective way of cleaning your genitals, and since you can’t shower every time you use the bathroom, bidets are a commendable idea. You will know the connection between bidets and urinary tract infections with the information below.
Before concluding if bidets cause UTIs, you must understand how one contracts a UTI. The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, urethra, ureter, and bladder. Therefore, a UTI is an infection occurring in any part of the tract.
A lower UTI affects the bladder and urethra. It is characterized by difficult or painful peeing, discharge, painful sex, frequent urination, and lower back pain. An upper UTI affects your kidneys, and its signs are fever, nausea or vomiting, back pains, and chills. It is more fatal as the infection can transmit to your blood.
E. coli is the primary bacteria responsible for UTIs, but there are more. Furthermore, there are other non-bacterial causes of urinary tract infection. A wrong prescription could mean treating other bacteria that didn’t cause the UTI.
Anyone can get a urinary tract infection, but 85% of UTIs are vaginal. Additionally, approximately 50% of women get UTIs in their lifetimes. Researchers conclude that it is because vaginas have shorter urethras that can quickly get infections.
Treating a UTI could prove tricky. Consequently, you should take preventive measures and stay informed to avoid pain and risks.
The short answer is – no. Bidet toilet seats are one of the safest ways to clean your genitals after using the bathroom. They are not designed to cause UTIs or hemorrhoids. Unless you fail to clean and maintain your bidet seat properly, you will not get a urinary tract infection from its use.
A bidet gives you minimal contact with bacteria because features enable a sanitary and healthy clean. There are many occasions when wiping does not leave your genitals perfectly clean and germ-free. Also, wiping can spread bacteria to your hands and urethra. Using a bidet saves you all the trouble.
Besides, some bidet toilet seats have a “feminine wash” feature that cleans from front to back to avoid germs getting into the vagina. Others have a drying feature which means you don’t have to pat yourself dry or touch your genitals.
The position of the bidet and its sanitation are the main determinants of whether you can get a UTI from using a private or public bidet. Provided there are no bacterial links, and you keep using non-abrasive, pure water, don’t be wary of infection.
A lot of UTIs are also a result of sexual intercourse. Ensure you pee not more than fifteen minutes after and wash using a bidet. Clean water ensures no bacteria is left in your genitals or urinary tract.
Another thing to observe is to avoid using bidets for douching. Pointing the nozzle up your vagina or anus is not sanitary. Instead, it increases the chances of germ spread. Bidet toilet seats clean the outer genital area, not the inside.
Every lady knows that the potion is front to back when wiping – the same applies to bidet use. Install a bidet that washes front-to-back and not the opposite because the position of the nozzle really matters. Back-to-front bidets might push the bacteria into your genitals and spread to the urethra or even kidneys.
Bidets with the “feminine wash” feature are perfect for women of all ages. Paired with healthy water and supplementary bathroom routines, you will keep UTIs at bay.
The popularity of bidets keeps rising, and manufacturers have developed self-cleaning models that minimize your maintenance efforts. Always use the self-cleaning feature after a wash and create a daily and weekly cleaning schedule to keep the seat and nozzle spick and span.
If you are sensitive to bacteria, consider adding germ-resistant plastic to the seat. It prevents the need for chemical solutions that may cause a rash or irritate your skin. To eliminate any E. coli or germs, dip a damp washcloth in dawn soap, diluted vinegar, or dish liquid and wipe the seat.
Research is still ongoing on the correlation between bidets and UTIs, women’s health, and urogenital infections. The straightforward answer is, yes – they are safe for women and all genders alike.
After using your bidet, seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms like itching, swelling, dryness, irritation, extra discharge, redness, or a burning sensation. UTIs can get very serious quite fast, and it is better to always be on the safe side.
Since urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria contaminating the tract, it is best to use bidets to clean your genitalia. The advanced efficiency guarantees fecal germs do not enter your urethra. Bidets are especially ideal for women and older adults. You can install attachments and additional features to enhance sanitation.
If you can manage to maintain a bidet and sanitize it often, it is ideal for preventing bacterial infections. In addition, there are so many models in the market; you can’t miss one that suits your body and preference.
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